Survey App on Joint Master Programmes

The Alumni Survey App gives students and staff in academia information about how graduates from Joint Programmes in science and technology experienced their studies and about their working lives after the studies. A separate survey was made towards graduates from regular master programmes who did an international exchange to be able to compare the two groups.

As examples of what you can do with the Survey App:

  • Select the questions you wish to see results from
  • Compare the Joint Programme and Control Group (single degrees) surveys
  • Compare data between countries
  • Apply a set of different socio-demographic and academic filters

Each of the questions can be filtered by the following variables:

  1. Programmes (eight different options: Erasmus Mundus, EIT Joint Master…)
  2. Majors
  3. Countries
  4. Age
  5. Gender
  6. Graduation year

The survey was designed to cover four different areas:

1 Work situation
2 Motivation to involve in a Joint Programme for the JP alumni, and International Mobility for the Single Degree alumni respectively
3 Improvement of personal abilities during the studies (only JP alumni)
4 Reasons not to involve in a Joint Programme (only regular alumni)


The REDEEM2 alumni survey was conducted involving recent graduates from Joint Programmes on master’s level in the science and technology area. To have a control group a second survey was conducted towards former students who did take part in international exchange studies but graduated from regular master programmes in science and technology.

The surveys were sent out in January-April in 2019 to former students who had graduated in 2016, 2017 and 2018.

A Joint Programme means that the study program is supported by two or more universities together or through a collaboration between two programmes so that the students can be accepted in both and study for both degrees through a special exchange agreement or with global admission to a Joint Programme. The students get a joint degree or multiple degrees from the involved institutions, with mandatory international mobility as part of the studies.

The seven institutions in the project consortium sent e-mails to all or a part of their graduates. Institutions in the partners’ different networks were asked to do the same. A total of 5,010 graduates from Joint Programme were sent e-mails to ask them to take part anonymously in the survey with a link to the survey on-line. 974 of them responded (19 %).

For the control group a total of 5,685 graduates were sent e-mails and 1,279 of them responded (22 %).

It should be noted that with some combinations of filters the number of respondents will be quite small and therefore the result cannot be used as a reliable average. The number of hits with a certain combination of filters is shown so that it can be judged if the sample is big enough.

The Institutional Survey

A part of the survey asked questions to get feedback on how the graduates estimated different aspects of the programmes, infrastructure in the institution, administrative support, and availability of different activities. This gives the institutions guidance in how they are viewed by recent graduates.

Geographical dispersion: Europe 66 %, Asia 15 %, Latin America 12 %, Oceania 5 % and North America 3 %.

A scale was use from 1 – Not satisfied, to 5 – Extremely satisfied.

Go to the REDEEM2 Survey App